Speech Club

These are intensive three day sessions in the Easter and Summer holidays. They cover children and young people aged from 5-11 years old, all run by Symbol Connect UK Ltd therapists with 21 Together staff available to support. This provides the children and young people with a more intensive environment to work on speech, social skills, friendships, appropriate behaviour, and social interaction. It also gives parents/carers time to spend with other family members or simply time to themselves. Parents/carers are not required to stay, we are an experienced team, if you have any concerns about your child/young person attending unaccompanied please do get in touch.

There is a small cost to the sessions, however, 21 Together massively subsidises this activity through fundraising and support from the National Lottery Funding from the Peoples Project.

Places are allocated from our waiting lists, so please get in touch if you would like to be considered.