Regional Hubs Launched

Launching our Regional Hubs

 We are excited to announce the arrival of our Regional Hubs!

Kent has been divided up into 5 Regions:

·      Dartford | Gravesham | Sevenoaks | Bexley | Bromley

·      Medway | Swale

·      Tonbridge & Malling | Maidstone | Tunbridge Wells

·      Ashford | Shepway

·      Canterbury | Dover | Thanet

The purpose of Regional Hubs is to bring local families involved with the Down’s syndrome community closer together with people in their area. Helping them to make friends and new connections. Whether it be the children making new friends, or parents/carers meeting up with others to have a catch up and a coffee. The whole point is to build stronger communities within areas, so everyone has someone local that they can lean on.


Each region has their own Champion. This is someone from that region, who is willing to take lead of the community in that area, helping with the running of the WhatsApp group, organising meet-ups for that region, and being in general, the go-to person. 

There will be four official meet-ups per year in each region. These will be set up by 21 Together for each hub. We also encourage unofficial meet-ups between members of regions, so there are extra opportunities for people from your local hubs to connect with each other.

In addition to the meet ups, we will be hosting drop in clinics. Our Community Support Co-ordinator Sam will be in attendance of these clinics, which will be held twice per year in each region. These sessions will be held for people to swing by with any questions they have, and talk to a professional to get directed to the best help. 

We have dedicated WhatsApp groups for each region, which includes our Community Support Co-ordinator, Regional Champions and members of Regional Hubs. These chats put the power of your local community at your fingertips. Giving you the ability to get quick advice and tips, or just have a chat with someone in the same situation as you.

If you want to find out more, join our hubs or become a Regional Champion, follow the link below-

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